She is writing after quite some time. If someone asks her, she has no special reason that she can justify it with apart from the fact that she was thinking. “what are you thinking?” asked her colleague Sandra as she looked lost while making coffee at the coffee machine. Well… she thought. This is the question she always dreaded. Who knows what I am thinking? – she thought within herself. I am so complicated. My brain always thinks something but when someone asks the best answer I can come up with is “nothing” with a smile that is close to a genuine smile, at least enough to make the person satisfied with the answer to not bother me. This time, however, the trick did not work. “What’s up?” Sandra asked again. ” I am thinking about my travels” – she answered. “I have travelled to so many places and written so many blogs about them – I shared my experiences, details, how-to for dummies.. but one thing I did not share was how I “felt” – We often confuse the experiences of travel with what we actually feel every moment during the travel” – Her colleague looked at her in awe. She was always fascinated by the fact that Ila travelled alone. A solo traveller was an unheard-of concept at that time, especially for a woman. Ila however, was an expert in running away from home.. solo. She always thought she was like a dry leaf, flying from one place to another with no one trying to or being able to stop her. She had seen 12 countries by now.. some solo and some with people who she did not particularly did not want to take with her but they tagged along because she was an amazing travel planner. She was fearless.
This time, however, it was different. She was going to travel the first time with the love of her life. Not only has she reached her destination in love but now she was looking forward to enjoying her first everything with him. The first visit to the airport together, the first flight together and the first beach vacation together. Not that they had not been at the airport together, but he was always outside the departure gate or the arrival gate when she went for her travels. She had a dream – to have someone she loves sitting next to her on the flight. While flying alone, sometimes she would look at couples travelling together – well, I think you could call that staring.. and notice the little things they did. The guy would keep the girls’ bag in the compartment, he would. hold her hand if she was scared of flying, he would help her lean on him and sleep… and sometimes.. just keep her leg on his lap and read. All these things fascinated her and made her long for travels with the love of her life. Sometimes, she would get sad looking at them and the poor little me syndrome would infect her but like always she would grow strong and replay her fairy tale in her heart. Someday! she would say…..Well.. it was about time and she was happy and it was magic! She shopped like she had never before for any trip. She was all ready for her magic travel with the love of her life! It was going to be a special Christmas vacation to Vanuatu.
If you are wondering where it is .. you can google it but just to make it easy for you – Vanuatu is a Pacific island country located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago, which is of volcanic origin, is 1,750 kilometres (1,090 mi) east of northern Australia, where she lived.
This time, she decided to write her blogs focusing more on the feeling of the travel rather than the usual stuff… After all, I believe that I do everything because I “feel” and never because I “think”? – She was determined. Any travel blog she would write after this would be to depict the exact feeling she had at a place rather than the “usual stuff”. When you are in love, even your travel blogging changes it seems …Let’s see how it goes.